30 de abril, Día del Jazz, hoy navegamos con nuestro velero por el pequeño mar del Sur mientras suena en cubierta la voz en sus últimos resuellos de uno de los ángeles caídos del Jazz, Chet Baker. Esta interpretación de "Almost blue" sobrecoge y encoge el corazón, deja la piel erizada de tal forma que el roce una mano genera electricidad. Dolor, luz, confesión y redención imposible en un primer plano que Bruce Weber grabó para su mítico documental "Let´s get lost".
Almost blue
Almost doing things we used to do
There's a girl here and she's almost you
All the things that your eyes once promised
I see in hers too
Now your eyes are red from crying
Almost blue
Flirting with this disaster became me
It named me as the fool who only aimed to be
Almost blue
It's almost touching it will almost do
There's a part of me that's always true... always
Not all good things come to an end now, it is only a chosen few
I have seen such an unhappy couple
Almost me
Almost you
Almost blue